Augusto Cury

Psychiatrist, teacher and most read author of the last decade.


Lançamento mundial do Dr. Augusto Cury

Um combo imprescindível para os dias atuais

Livro “Intoxicação Digital - Como enfrentar o mal do milênio” + Programa de áudio: Protegendo a sua emoção

Descubra como preservar sua qualidade de vida na era mais acelerada de todos os tempos: A ERA DIGITAL

most read books

365 Dias de Inteligência

O autor compilou extratos de várias obras para presentear o leitor com pérolas motivacionais diárias, como gotas de orvalho ao amanhecer, irrigando a mente com sabedoria, significado e plenitude, para que se possa enfrentar os desafios e focos de tensão com inteligência emocional e sabedoria. Embarque nesta leitura e inspire-se para Viver o Melhor Ano da Sua História!

Trilogia: O Vendedor de Sonhos

é uma saga contada em vários livros com os mesmos personagens. Nessa saga, o drama e a comédia, a dor e o riso, a sanidade e a loucura percorrem as mesmas artérias, invadem os textos e tumultuam a história.
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Movie theater

The seller of dreams

The most read novel by Dr. Augusto Cury, was adapted for cinema in 2016, under the direction of Jayme Monjardim
The film is inspiring, stimulates the appreciation of life…


The seller of dreams

Based on the eponymous bestseller by Augusto Cury. In the plot, the character Julius Caesar attempts suicide, and is prevented from committing the final act by a beggar...

The smartest man in history

When renowned psychiatrist Marco Polo goes to Jerusalem to attend a meeting at the UN, he is challenged to study the mind of the most famous man in history: Jesus...


The seller of dreams

Based on the eponymous bestseller by Augusto Cury. In the plot, the character Julius Caesar attempts suicide, and is prevented from committing the final act by a beggar...

The smartest man in history

When renowned psychiatrist Marco Polo goes to Jerusalem to attend a meeting at the UN, he is challenged to study the mind of the most famous man in history: Jesus...


brilliant women

O Melhor Ano da Sua História

Dieta Emocional

Como Educar Filhos e Alunos

SPA - Combatendo a Ansiedade

Seja Única

Relações Saudáveis


The world's first online Emotion Management Academy is the result of more than 20,000 psychiatric consultations and more than 30 years of research carried out by our founder, Dr. Augusto Cury. Our main mission is to democratize, around the world, the Emotion Management tools created by Dr. Augusto Cury throughout all these years working as a psychiatrist, researcher and writer. Our goal is not simply to teach the theory and techniques for managing emotion. It's helping you become a true emotional manager, able to write the best and most important chapters as the protagonist of your own story.

Quotes and Quotes by Augusto Cury

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“Existence is like the sunbeams that solemnly emerge at the most beautiful dawn and fatally bid farewell to chance.”

“Life is a big and complete text, which needs many commas to be written, although these commas sometimes take the form of tears.”

“Existence is like the rays of the sun that solemnly emerge at the most beautiful dawn and fatally bid farewell at sunset.”


where is your
charm for life?

Dear friends, do not be emotional beggars begging for the bread of joy. Always keep in mind that in order not to fail in the territory of emotion, you must make your life a spectacle for the eyes.


O Lançamento Mundial mais aguardado dos últimos anos

Livro “Intoxicação Digital - Como enfrentar o mal do milênio” + Programa de áudio: Protegendo a sua emoção

Faça com Dr Augusto Cury uma viagem emocionante rumo a liberdade digital e mais saúde emocional.