based theaters
in works of
Augusto Cury
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">based theaters
in works of
by Augusto Cury
The seller of dreams
Based on the eponymous bestseller by Augusto Cury. In the plot, the character Julius Caesar attempts suicide, and is prevented from committing the final act by a beggar, the “Master”, who sells him a comma, so that he can continue writing his story. Together they meet Bartolomeu, a good-natured drunk who decides to join them in their mission to sell dreams and awaken a sick society. The revelation of the GM's conflicted past could shatter the Dream Seller's grand mission.
The smartest man in history
When renowned psychiatrist Marco Polo goes to Jerusalem to attend a meeting at the UN, he is challenged to study the mind of the most famous man in history: Jesus. Marco Polo, one of the greatest atheists of our time, refuses, claiming not to discuss religion, but is instigated by an audience of intellectuals to carry out this undertaking. After much resistance, he accepts the challenge. A round table is then set up, made up of brilliant professionals to analyze the mind of Jesus from the angles of science and not religion. From there, the character begins an epic journey to find out if Jesus was a master at having self-control, managing his emotions, working through losses and frustrations, unleashing his creativity and forming thinkers. By studying the mind of Jesus, Marco Polo surprises the other research participants who expected to find an ordinary man, without great intellectual abilities, but who are amazed at the inexplicable.
The play brings out the mind of Jesus, the greatest expert in the territory of emotion and will shake your convictions, transform your vision of the character we thought we knew so well.
In addition to addressing the main aspects of Emotion Management, the show also talks about self-control, creativity, solidarity and love, still dealing with sensitive topics such as depression and violence against women.
Repetindo a dose de sucesso, a adaptação do livro para o teatro teve a produção da Applaus/Luciano Cardoso e em texto escrito pelo próprio Augusto Cury, juntamente com a roteirista Francis Helena Costa.
Never give up on your dreams
Você compreende a fundo o que significa sonhar e por que é vital que Nunca Desista de seus Sonhos? Sonhar pode ser interpretado como uma maneira de busca pela felicidade, mas que comportamentos podem garantir sua conquista?
No espetáculo “Nunca Desista de seus Sonhos”, a psiquiatra Camila, enquanto estudante de medicina, assiste a uma palestra de Dr. Augusto Cury e toma a decisão de seguir os seus ensinamentos. Apesar de almejar uma especialização fora do País, protela a realização por vários motivos.
A profissional é muito apaixonada pela sua área e auxilia seus pacientes, estimulando-os ao contar como homens brilhantes como Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King e o próprio Augusto Cury fracassaram e, ainda assim, conseguiram ser persistentes e não desistir de seus propósitos.
A psiquiatra expõe seu lado humano ao confessar que tem uma filha viciada em tecnologia. Sua experiência com a problemática tão presente na atualidade faz parte do enredo. Ela apresenta também outros temas relevantes, como depressão e ansiedade, em cenas nas quais dois pacientes são personagens. Para superar seus desafios, Camila tem como aliada sua estagiária Helena, recém-formada em medicina psiquiátrica.
A peça tem como pano de fundo passagens da vida do Dr. Augusto Cury, fonte de inspiração da nossa protagonista, com cenas que prometem emocionar a plateia. Um espetáculo que pode ressignificar ou até despertar novos olhares sobre seu projeto de vida com personagens vibrantes e divertidos. Você sonha ou apenas deseja? Descubra com o Nunca Desista de seus Sonhos!
Além de abordar os principais aspectos da Gestão da Emoção, o espetáculo também fala sobre autocontrole, criatividade, solidariedade e amor.
Repetindo a dose de sucesso, a adaptação do livro para o teatro teve a produção da Applaus/Luciano Cardoso e em texto escrito pelo próprio Augusto Cury.
The living forest gang
You know that child who doesn't leave his cell phone? How about taking her to see the theater and watch an exciting magical adventure? A Turma da Floresta Viva is the first children's literary work by psychiatrist Augusto Cury adapted for a theatrical show. In a relaxed way, the play tells a surprising story of nature conservation and our children's emotional health.
The twins Guto and Alice don't really like to study, they are always fighting, they don't know how to wait and they want “everything” right away. Her only activities outside of school are games and social media. As a result, they also develop a great inability to concentrate. These are symptoms of the disease of the century: “anxiety”.
However, things change when they suddenly start hearing talking animals and are very intrigued. These animals claim that they are “chosen” as guardians for a challenge to protect nature. So, their parents, worried about their children's strange behavior, call their grandfather, psychiatrist Dr. Augusto, to analyze them.
When grandpa and grandchildren meet, a big secret is revealed: he too is a chosen one! Together, they face the challenge of visiting the dangerous and enchanted Floresta Viva, in the heart of the mysterious Amazon Region.
In this adventure, in addition to being sensitized to the environmental cause, children will discover how to control their impulses, face their fears and quiet their minds. Thus, revealing emotion management skills to save the Living Forest Gang as guardians of nature.