
+40 thousand AGE students and
+300 thousand children and
teenagers in the program
School of Intelligence


The world's first online Emotion Management Academy is the result of more than 20,000 psychiatric consultations and more than 30 years of research carried out by our founder, Dr. Augusto Cury. Our main mission is to democratize, around the world, the Emotion Management tools created by Dr. Augusto Cury throughout all these years working as a psychiatrist, researcher and writer. Through our trainings, based on Dr. Augusto Cury, millions of people can fight, daily and directly, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, relationship problems, fears, and thus, transform their lives for the better definitely. Our goal is not simply to teach the theory and techniques for managing emotion. It's helping you become a true emotional manager, able to write the best and most important chapters as the protagonist of your own story.

Escola da Inteligência saw the need to teach emotional intelligence from childhood and pioneered the development of a complete program that, for more than a decade, has been working on social-emotional skills and competences in private schools throughout Brazil. The importance of this work has never been more evident than it is now, when the UN, World Economic Forum and MEC point out that this complement to cognitive education is necessary. The program is based on the Theory of Multifocal Intelligence, the result of 30 years of studies and research by Dr. Augusto Cury, who analyzes the functioning of the mind and the formation of thinkers. The work carried out by Escola da Inteligência covers all stages of Basic Education and meets the expectations of the students' families, who currently value more the presence of socio-emotional education than the choice of teaching materials in schools.

Fraternity without Borders is a humanitarian aid organization, with national and international operations. They are in some of the poorest places on the planet, with hope and a deep desire to help end hunger and build a world of peace.
In sub-Saharan Africa, it maintains reception centers, where we offer food, hygiene care, educational and cultural activities and professional training. They support the elderly with food and building houses. Artesian wells are being drilled in African villages and, with the arrival of water, we started to grow food sustainably, training young farmers and involving children in environmental education activities.
In Brazil, they support the treatment of children with microcephaly, in Campina Grande, Paraíba, in partnership with the Professor Joaquim Amorim Neto Research Institute. In Campo Grande, we maintain the Young Emmanuel Philharmonic Orchestra project, which provides music education to young people from the periphery, and we help the Clínica da Alma, dedicated to the treatment of drug addicts. In Roraima, they welcome refugee families from Venezuela, who crossed the border to Brazil in search of a chance.

Dreamsellers is a multi-format production company.
It is the company responsible for managing the rights of the writer's works and their transposition to other media, such as cinema, series, plays, editorial works and special projects.
It aims for its scripts and contents to encourage human beings to think critically, have Emotion Management and increasingly become the author of their own history, developing mental health in our highly sick and stressful society.

A pioneering project in the world, managed by Dreamsellers, the MultiSer Emotion Management Center is the first initiative of its kind inside a shopping center on the planet. It was devised by Dr. Augusto Cury and José Isaac Perez, president of Multiplan and opened at the end of 2021 at Ribeirão Shopping.
It has a team of 16 psychologists specializing in Emotion Management to take care of emotional health, prevent psychological disorders and contribute to the formation of emotional intelligence.
It has 9 meeting rooms, 1 interactive room with 70 seats for courses and training, a mezzanine and a public square.
A super project of 500m², but cozy and welcoming, ready to serve adults, children, couples in any situation, even without prior appointment.



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